Monastic life cannot be learned from books, but in the practical experience of daily life in the impregnation of a tradition handed down by the community. It is a response of love to the One who calls us: Jesus Christ. It is a journey full of joy and surprises, but not without times of “emptiness”, or “questioning” which is normal in every human life. We need to know simply that God has more than one string to his bow. He never lacks the imagination, the humour and the energy to accompany us on our journey, and guide us, even carry us when needed. Monastic life, in effect, is a beautiful and exciting way, of great simplicity on which Christ, taking us by the hand, says: « Come to me, go to yourself, in me get nearer to others.”

Then, step by step, the young lady will successively be “applicant”, then admitted to “noviciate”, then for temporary vows. The training consists of entering into a process of human and spiritual maturity. The young lady or sister in training participates in the life of the community that hosts her. She shares their times of prayer, reading and work. She will equally benefit from theoretical teaching on the history of the Church, the history of the Cistercian Order, Holy Scripture, the liturgy, etc …

Ainsi accompagnée et aidée par la maîtresse des novices et l’abbesse, mais aussi par chacune des soeurs qui porte elle aussi la responsabilité de la formation des nouvelles venues, la soeur avance vers le jour du don total d’elle-même. Elle scelle alors son « oui » à Dieu dans la communauté par la profession définitive, s’engageant par les voeux d’obéissance, de conversion de vie, de stabilité. « L’abbesse et les soeurs l’accueillent avec  bienveillance dans la communauté, sachant qu’elles s’obligent au devoir de l’aider par leur prière et leur exemple à revêtir de plus en plus la ressemblance du Christ. » (Constitutions des moniales, Chapitre C.56 : La profession solennelle).  A cause de Jésus-Christ, simplement et joyeusement « à sa place », elle tiendra la veille d’amour 20, 40, 60 ans… ou plus, jusqu’au jour de la Rencontre…


For any information or question : 03 88 57 86 55

Young men interested in monastic life will contact our trappist brothers of Oelenberg Abbey